Access Training

Access Training is an award-winning training provider based on Team Valley, Gateshead. They have been delivering training programmes for businesses and individuals across the the North East for 40 years.

They are committed to providing quality training and have built a reputation for their professional, yet caring and supportive approach. Their mission is to add value to you, your people and your organisation through training, and their strength is being able to tailor their delivery to your needs.

Their offer:

  • Apprenticeship recruitment

They aim to help employers recruit and develop quality apprentices that make a real difference to their businesses. Where required, they would help with the recruitment and selection process saving you time and also the associated costs.

  • Upskilling existing employees

They can deliver apprenticeship programmes to help develop the skills of your current team. Why not utilise apprenticeship programmes (and funding through the levy or co-investment) to support your training budget. They offer apprenticeship in Accountancy (AAT), Business, Customer Service, Human Resources, Project Management, Team Leader & Management, Fire, Emergency & Security Systems. Apprenticeship levels range from 2 up to 5 dependent upon the occupational area.

  • Short courses via North East Workforce Skills (NEWS)

They can also offer a range of short courses to your existing employees - fully funded through their NEWS project. Courses available include: Leading Team & Managing Performance, Coaching & Feedback, Project Management, Leading & Managing Change, Communicating Effectively, Time Management & Delegation, Equality & Diversity, Mental Health First Aid. Please visit their website to view their full list of accredited and non-accredited courses.

Company contact details

Tel: +44 (0)191 490 4646



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